The Configuration of Mconnect Featured Products Magento® 2 Extension:
To know how to install this extension, please refer to the video.
Before you proceed with using the extension, you need to do the configuration of the extension as shown below:
1. Sign in to the Magento Extension Administrator Panel.
2. Navigate to ‘Stores’ menu and select 'Configuration' menu.
3. Scroll down in Configuration to find 'MConnect Media.' Click on 'Featured Products.'
4. Settings Screen opens.
- Enable/Disable: You have to select yes to enable the extension.
- Mode: Select order was ascending, descending or auto/random that you want to show the featured products on the front-end.
- Product Count: If you left the field black or input zero value, it might lead to the display of all the records. If you mention an amount, it may deal with the maximum numbers.
- Column Count: Blank/Zero value leads to the display of all column and mentioned value deals with the max no. of columns to be displayed.
- Disable Title: Select yes to display title for featured products in the frontend.
- Title: Give a title to featured products for example, ‘Featured Products.’
Want to watch the video of Featured product general settings?
- Enable Slider: You have select yes to enable slider.
- Slider Width: This is the width of your brand slider in pixels.
- Move Slides: The number of slides entered here will be moved in a transition.
- Min Slides: It is the total number of slides displayed during the lowest resolution on one page.
- Max Slides: This is the total number of slides that will be displayed during the highest resolution on one page.
- SlideShow Speed: Speed at which the slide transition will be performed. Slide transition duration is in the milliseconds.
- Enable Pager: Display the slider pages.
Are you interested to know video tutorial on Featured product Slider settings?
- Select yes to display 'price value,' 'add to cart,' 'add to wishlist' and 'add to compare' on the frontend.
5. Click on 'Save Config' to save the configuration settings.
Watch Featured Product Button Settings configuration Video:
How to display featured products in CMS page?
Add below code to display featured products block to any CMS page.
{{block class="Mconnect\Featuredproducts\Block\Featuredproducts"template="Mconnect_Featuredproducts::mcsfeaturedproducts/mcsfeaturedproducts.phtml"}}
Featured products with slider on the front end.
Featured products without slider on the front end.
How to add general products to Featured Products?
1. Navigate to MConnect Media > Manage Featured Products.
2. Click on ‘Manage Products’ button.
3. Manage products screen opens.
4. Select the products from the products list, which you wish to categorize as featured products in your store.
5. Click on ‘Save Featured products’ to apply the changes.
Want to watch the video presentation on how to add featured product to Magento 2?
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